Saturday, December 10, 2011

Belle Armoire Jewelry: Rings of Fire

They say, there's always a rainbow after it rains. I say AMEN! the rain has passed and this is my rainbow!

A few months ago, I was told by the editors of Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine that my piece was selected to be on front cover of their magazine. I almost fell off my chair when i saw this email! I couldn't believe what I was reading. I submitted this necklace called Rings of Fire to be considered inside the magazine. I did not consider in my wildest dreams that I would be selected for a front cover! I know there are too many exclamation marks in this blog.. but this is how i truly feel, a bunch of mixed jolted emotions. Proud of the original design from paper to fabrication, honored for having been chosen, humbled since I am probably the most unheard of designer on a front cover and most of all thankful to God who I owe everything to.

Special thanks to my husband who has never left my side even in the late hours of day, Christen Olivarez, Cynthia Levens and Beth Livesay for giving me the opportunity.

Please get your copy at your local barnes and nobles or website below:


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Michaels Managers Meeting

What is a Michaels Managers Meeting? In the most simple answer, it is an event where michaels vendors gather in one location and the michaels "managers" go around getting to know vendors and the products they offer that is currently offered in stores. Is it a selling event? not so much i think but it is essential.

For this year, bow made the booth from scratch wood. I then made the jewelries and chandeliers for the show. I was asked to do a demo of "dapping" at the show. Bow did all the work for the set up. I was originally planning to fly in earlier so I could do the last minute fixes on the chandeliers from the displacement that could have occurred with shipping but the storm kept me in New Jersey for the opening day. None the less, I was able to follow for the second and third days. 

It's an interesting experience, its always great hearing many other people's point of view with products and designs. 

Pictures from the meeting:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Peters Valley with Harold O'Connor

What to say about Peters Valley? well, let me start by saying that the experience was overall wonderful! Here's what I've encountered.

The campus in itself was a bit of a shock. I booked a room through the school months before the actual workshop. I arrived a few hours before the workshop. I was told to head on to the house down the hill and it will be open. I did as I was told, to my surprise the house is directly in front of a cemetery and he rooms do not have a lock. I am not the type to complain as I am used in tight spaces having grown in a third world country, the Philippines. My superstitious self however prevailed and I decided to find a hotel close by. The nearest decent hotel I could find was about half an hour away. 

Finding the workshop studio was not very easy either as it is located further in where one will have to pass a long one way dirt road to get to the studio. Bears and deers were not at all strangers to this place and proper caution must be taken.

The workshop 5 day intensive class with Harold O'Connor was such a pleasure! I was told that he has a reputation of being grumpy but he was so nice to me and the small group we had. This master goldsmith is a knowledge full in arts and jewelry! The class was innovative stone setting, we were taught how to make antlers and cables, he also showed us the lost wax casting process and reticulation. Mr. O'Connor even made me a tool for stone setting cabs! I treasure the tool dearly in a safe place in my studio. Another great thing about this class is that the techniques are taught but you get to create your own designs using the techniques demonstrated. In this class I met another artist who is extremely talented and down to earth, his name is Bifei Cao. You can check his work at

In conclusion, If I were to go back in time, I will sign up for this class all over again without changing anything at all! I always believe in taking the good with the bad.

Here is Harolds' website as well:

Below are some photos from the class.

This is the ring I've made in class. Thank you Harold O'Connor for the many shared knowledge!